Farmacap is a company with 30 years of experience in the market of closures, rubber and aluminum accessories for pharmaceutical, veterinary and related industries, with clear conceptions about the technical and conceptual needs that these markets require.
Pioneer in Latin America in the construction of clean room for specific treatment of rubber caps TPPE – ready to Steriliser lid, we are also pioneers in the supply of sterile lids (Ready to Use) for Gamma irradiation.
Among the various achievements of FARMACAP, we obtain the registration of our formulas in DMF (Drug Master File), organ of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) which is a passport, unrestricted, to export to any country in the world.
Farmacap is one of the companies that make up the group Wheaton Brasil, a national leader in the supply of glass packaging for the perfumery and cosmetics and pharmaceutical segments, and one of the five largest specialized facilities in these segments of the world, Providing for the most reputable national and international industries, exporting to more than 40 countries.
“Offer products with services
differentiated, respecting and generating
positive values in the relationship
For this, in our manufacturing unit,
located in Itapecerica da Serra,
we have modern structures and
equipment, in addition to the most sophisticated installation in Clean Room. Seek
constantly improve our
production processes, always aiming at the complete satisfaction of our customers.
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
The Manual of Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Wheaton Brasil Group, conceived based on Norma SA 8000, orders the operation of the company’s management system, with regard to requirements:
Trabalho infantil;
Trabalho forçado;
Segurança e saúde;
Liberdade de associação e direito à negociação coletiva;
Práticas disciplinares;
Horário de trabalho;
Sistemas de gestão;
O Grupo Wheaton Brasil, em todos os níveis da organização, valoriza as ações socialmente responsáveis e estimula seus fornecedores e clientes a adotarem essa mesma postura.
A Norma SA 8000 – Social Accountability funciona como principio ético das ações e relações da empresa com os principais agentes econômicos e sociais com os quais ela interage: profissionais, clientes, fornecedores e comunidade.
Segundo a CEPAA (Council on Economic Priorities Accreditation Agency), a missão da SA 8000 é aprimorar as condições de trabalho, de forma global. A SA 8000 é uma norma internacional, baseada nos princípios de onze Convenções da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT), da convenção das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos da Criança e da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos.